
Friday, April 22, 2011

Female to Male Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Female to male surgery (also known as sex reassignment or genital reassignment surgery) is a process in which a surgeon physically transforms a woman into a man.  Sex reassignment surgery is actually a series of surgeries that includes: mastectomy (breast removal),hysterectomy (removal of female reproductive organs), genital reassignment, and testosterone treatment.  The mastectomy may include additional plastic surgery like nipple realignment and removal of excess skin for a more masculine-looking chest.  The process can take up to a year, allowing the skin to heal before additional adjustments are made.   
Female to male surgical procedure:
This type of surgery consists of 4th stages operation as follow: 

1st stage: is the removal of uterus, ovary, prepare the urethra skin abdominal tube and removal the Breast or reconstruction. This requires 7-9 days in Bangkok after surgery. 

2nd stage: Penile reconstruction from the abdominal skin required 1 night hospitalization and 10 days recovery in the Bangkok. 

3rd stage: (after 6 months) to connect the urethra and silicone testicles. 1 night in hospital. 7 days in Bangkok. 

4th stage: (after 3 months) inserting the silicone penis to make it hard and sculpture the gland penis plus minor corrections. One night in hospital. 7 days inBangkok 

Duration of the operation:
The surgery usually takes 6-8 hours to complete according to the extent of the procedure.

Post operative care:
·         After surgery patient should remain on bed for the first 24 hours.   
·         Patient should avoid strenuous activities which can interfere with the circulation.
. All drains and urinary catheter are usually removed on the fourth or fifth day following surgery.
·         Increase fluid intake at least 8-10 glasses per day to promote urination.
·         Wound dressing is done daily to prevent infection.
·         The surgeon will remove the stitches after 5-10 days.

Recovery period:

  • The patient should stay in Thailand at least 2-3 weeks to complete the whole process and allow proper healing and at least 1 week hospital stay for observation and management.
  • Patients can resume taking hormonal medications in 10-14 days after the surgery. Consult the doctor for adjustment of the dosage.
Possible risk and complications:
·                    Patients must keep in mind surgeon’s instructions to prevent potential risk and complications following surgery. Possible complications include: Hematoma (bleeding), delayed wound healing, swelling, scarring and numbness or change in sensation, infection, Nipple numbness, Scarring,

Anesthesia use:
The procedure requires a general anesthesia.

Hospital admission:
You will be requested to sign in hospital consent form. Then you need five nights
admission to hospital for recuperation.

Requirements to have sex change surgery?
According to “The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association’s Standard of Care for Gender Identity Disorders “a patient must qualify on the following criteria prior to the surgery:
1.       Legal age of maturity in the patient’s nation. At least 18 years of age and will require permission from parents.
2.       At least 12 months of continuous hormonal therapy for those without medical contraindications. Patient should present a Hormonal therapy certificate.
3.       At least 12 months of continuous full time real life experience in a cross gender role.
4.       Patient should present a Certificate of recommendation from a qualified psychiatrist/psychologist dealing with transsexuals for the diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
5.       Physically fit for the surgery.
Criteria for approval are as follows:
1.        Letter of recommendation from a psychiatrist.
2.        Discontinued hormonal therapy at least 14 days prior to surgery. Hormones should be stopped before surgery to reduce the risk of thrombosis (blood clots).
3.        Physical check up prior to SRS. Laboratory test should be taken. It includes the following: CBC, HIV, FBS, Creatine, Urinalysis, Alkaline phosphatase, SGOT LDH EKG and chest x- ray. You can have your private doctor perform the physical examination and send the results via email.
4.       Patient must stop smoking 2-4 weeks prior to the surgery. Smoking interferes and delays wound healing process.
5.       Patients must stop taking medications such as anticoagulants (aspirin), anabolic steroids and supplements (Vit. E)  at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery.
6.       Assessment of the medical history and physical examination will be performed during the consultation with the surgeon as well as explanation of the course of surgery, recovery period, risk and complications.
7.       No intake of food or water 8 hours prior to surgery.
8.       The surgery usually takes 4-8 hours and is usually done through general anesthesia.
9.       Patients who are HIV positive will pay 30% extra charge from the standard price due to the necessity of using disposable instruments.
10.   Appointments should be one month prior to the date and time of the surgery.

One month before the surgery:
Prepare and Plan: Put your schedule together for the day before, day of, and first few days
Following the surgery.
Appointment: should be one month prior to the date and time of surgery.
Preoperative tests: Make certain all test ordered (CBC, EKG, X-ray) by your surgeon MUST be completed at least 5 days before surgery and no more than 30 days before surgery.  Test results should be received by surgeon for clearance. If medical clearance is not yet received at the expected date of completion, surgery maybe delayed or cancelled.
Stop smoking: Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
Stop taking medications: Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
Stop drinking alcohol: You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
Vital information: A preoperative visit or call is essential to review your health, your goals and any vital information including allergies and health considerations.

One week before the surgery:

Confirm your day of surgery: Review all orders and instructions and put your schedule together a few days before the surgery.
Continue to practice healthy habits: No smoking, no drinking alcohol and stop taking medications to ensure safety.
Relax: Get plenty of rest.  Anxiety is common over the thought of surgery, so don’t hesitate to contact our office.  We are here to support you and answer all of your concerns regarding surgery.

One day before surgery:

Pack your personal belongings for the day of surgery.
Arrival: You will arrive at Bangkok International Airport
Nothing by mouth. No candy, gum or mints. Anything more than a small amount of water as needed for brushing teeth or swallowing medication may result in the need to cancel surgery.
Dress appropriately:  do not wear jewelry, hair clips, body piercing, cosmetics.  (If there is something you cannot remove, let the admitting nurse know right away)
Wear comfortable, clean, loose- fitting clothing: Do not wear jeans or any tight fitting bottom; rather have a pair of loose, drawstring sweatpants to wear home. You may wear a robe. Wear slip on, flat shoes with a slip proof sole; no heels. Wear clean cotton socks as the operating room can feel cool.

During the surgery:

·         Appointment for consultation with the surgeon. The discussion will be regarding medical health history as well as the explanation of the course of surgery, recovery period, risk and complications. Don’t hesitate to ask questions for clarification and the technique to be used for SRS.
·         Routine Physical examination
·          Admission to hospital
·          Singing of informed Consent for legal purposes.
·          The operation date and time will be arranged within twenty-four hours after Preoperative consultation.
·         During surgery, your vital signs will be watched closely.
·         Patches containing leads for monitoring your heart will be placed on your chest. .
·         After your surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area where you will stay for about an hour.
·         A nurse will closely monitor you as you wake up from the anesthesia, checking your vital signs frequently.
·         If you feel pain, ask your nurse to give you pain medication.
·         Once you are awake and your vital signs are normal, you will be taken to your own hospital room and your family will be able to visit you there.
·         You will be discharged from the hospital as soon as your surgeon believes that you are ready and are not experiencing any complications from the surgery or anesthesia.
·         Please remember that the effects of the anesthesia medications go away very slowly. Do not plan on doing anything important the day of or day after your surgery. You will feel drowsy for hours after your surgery. For these reasons, you MUST NOT drive a car, work with machinery, or sign any important papers for at least 24 hours.

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